There is no women's Ski Jump event at the Olympics. Why? Simple male chauvinism. The Ski Federation determined that it was "too dangerous" for women, despite the fact that several women competing in the sport actually outperform their male counterparts.
How incredibly archaic! What is this the 18th century?
Pardon me while I go fetch my butter churn.

What? In the age where there's a women's pole vault, there's no women's ski jumping. That's obscene. I love Robin Roberts though. She does great reporting on women and sports.
Mmmm, butter
What? Girls do freakin' roller derby and ice hockey for pete's sake! Speaking of which, I just caught the snowboarding event last night where there are four guys on a track, snowboarding around, and they can knock each other off the track... so cool.
Aw, gee, and I thought this was gonna be a post about Marius, in love at last. :-)
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