But it was the persistence of my own ScottE that opened my eyes to How I Met Your Mother. And that's surprising when you consider the pedigree.

And yet, the ensemble has become one of the tighest comedic talents on TV today. With clever writing on all kinds of topics, I find myself laughing out loud quite a bit. Some episodes are just OK, but a few are so witty that they should be snagging Emmys. Tonight's look at Harris' Barney pursuing his dream of being on The Price Is Right was...priceless. Not to mention Alyson Hannigan's Lily trying to GAIN weight to fit into her wedding dress. (Trust me, it was hilarious.) And the pinnacle was an episode that took a cue from Memento by going further and further back in time to examine how the day's events became such a disaster.
Here's hoping that we don't find out exactly how he met their mother any time soon!
I do enjoy this little nugget of funny.
I TOTALLY look forward to this show every week. My favorite show? Robin's secret where they reveal her Teen Queen past and her own AWESOME 80's music video. That's worth the download if you haven't seen it!
If only it was on iTunes! I hope to catch up this summer.
I need to catch up this summer, too, but I do love this show whenever I catch it. My fave episode? The one where they all go to a nightclub and almost the whole ep is subtitled cuz the music's too loud!
Oh, and today is bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!
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