Say what you will about him, he was a television icon, and there was a time when I thought he was the bee's knees.
Setting aside the whole baby & crocodile incident, I send condolences to his wife and kids.
Rants and raves from a dancer in DC. You can count on me to never be short on snarky commentary! Watch this space for movie reviews, recaps of my favorite TV shows and guilty pleasures, and random thoughts on books, theatre, art, music, dance and even board games.
I know, sad.
I couldn't believe it. Sting rays - who knew?!
I'm really suprised by the outpouring of emotion for him in Australia...I had no idea he was such an icon...the government offered a state funeral for him and the family said no.
I said, at least he didn't die by falling out of the shower and hitting his head...an appropriate way for him to go I guess!?! Doing what he loved.
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