[On a side note, I finally saw the first half of The Hulk. WOW was that bad.]
Anywho, I went with my brother and sister-in-law to go see it last weekend (second time for them). And it was in fact a really great movie. This is the rare case where a trailer undersold a movie!
I believe that the primary reason it is so successful is that the origin story is carefully crafted, and the entire film is very character-driven. There are actually only a handful of action sequences, so when they do come, you can settle in and enjoy. It's not constant explosions and guns, etc. (Yeah, I'm looking at you, Transformers!)
And for you die-hard comic fans out there, there are a couple nice winks thrown in for good measure. Terrence Howard sees Tony's other iron suit sitting there and says, "Next time, baby." And indeed, his character later becomes Iron Man - perhaps in the third film? If you sit through those long ending credits, you get a hint of where the Marvel Studios are headed - an Avengers movie! The real question - will they do the other indvidiual character films first? (Thor and Captain America, if you're keeping track. Although I'm holding out for The Scarlet Witch!)
A good fun film. I'm very happy I saw it. And I was very surprised with how well Robert Downey Jr. did.
"Thor's a homo."
OY - wish I had read your review before I escaped the rain and went to see THE HAPPENING. I usually think reviewers are too cruel to M. Night Shyamalan, but whatever they said about this movie - it's got to be true in triplicate! I'll be seeing IRON MAN next - thanks, J-Lo!
I'm glad you liked it!
Kara, thanks for the warning... after the last few experiences, I'm more than happy to stay away from M. Night.
Scott also saw it and hated it - so stay away, Stef!
Doesn't mean I won't try to see his next movie...I like his ideas, this one was executed very poorly.
Freaking loved it! Would sucked with out Downey.
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