I know a good number of my friends are obsessed with So You Think You Can Dance? on Fox. I've seen a bit, and it was actually pretty good, but I haven't allowed myself to be sucked in as yet.
I did break down however and watch the first episode for Big Brother: All-Stars. You see, my obsession with BB is not really the show itself. The show is often a more boring version of Survivor and nearly as predictable. What is fun is watching their antics, openly mocking them, and dishing the dirt. I love and adore the CBS internet chat show, "House Calls"! It is hosted by the wonderful Gretchen Massey. It also used to be co-hosted by Marcellas (of season 3), but now he's a contestant again, so Gretchen is flying solo this time. I won't give you a direct link, but if you dig in the archives for the show, you might recognize me calling in once!

But amidst all the trash this summer, something VERY GOOD is starting VERY SOON. That's right - season 3 of Project Runway begins at 10 pm ET tomorrow! Don't miss it! (The hour preceding will be a casting special.) I can hardly wait. Nina Garcia, make them wither with your comments! Tim Gunn, make me love you all over again! Heidi Klum Seal, remind us what you look like when you're not pregnant!

You can of course count on me to provide commentary and recaps for the duration of the season, with a slight hiccup next week when I'm traveling for work.
Are you in, or are you out?
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Tonight Tonight!!!
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