The story is simple and timeless - 3 social misfits in high school try to score some liquor to bring to a big graduation bash in order to lose their virginity (or at least start down that road). Hijinks ensue, and maybe they learn a lesson.
The language and jokes are hardcore gross-out, the characters are pathetically loveable, and I loved every minute of it! This is the new age of "tell it like it is" comedy. Awesome stuff to see with your buds - just leave your parents and kids at home! Years from now this will be a cult classic and all the cool culture geeks will be quoting lines like, "No one has gotten laid in cargo shorts since 'Nam!"
The three leads include desperate Seth (played by Knocked Up's Jonah Hill), sad sack Evan (played by Arrested Development's delightful Michael Cera), and Hawaii's one and only McLovin (you have to see the movie to understand that) who is played by newcomer Christopher Mintz-Plasse. They are all hilarious as they commit themselves fully to their roles - 3 teenagers trying oh-so-hard to be adults.
Their foils in the film are two adults trying oh-so-hard to be teenagers again. But they happen to be cops. Bill Hader of SNL is funny, but Seth Rogen (rockin' the pornstache) is funnier.
All in all, it's a very, very funny romp from The House of Apatow. Go see it now, while I make my plans to see their next offering - The Pineapple Express.