As always, I promise you reviews of our latest Netflix rentals in 25 words or less!
The History Boys - A successful Broadway play does not a good movie make. Dead Poet's Society gone bland.
Live Flesh - Almodovar movie about men's obsessions and jealousy. He's so much better focusing on women. Javier Bardem isn't bad.
Dark Habits - Almodovar again. This time it's a bunch of bizarre nuns who do things like heroin and raising a tiger. Sadly this was a yawner.
Eating Out - Broad comedy is bizarre but becomes so bad it's actually funny in this gay farce. Hey, at least the phone sex was hot.
I'm completely with you on History Boys. Can't wait to see it at Studio this year, never want to see the film again. But some of those boys are HOT.
History Boys is part of the reason why I got a sub to Studio next year. But thanks for the advice, I'll skip the movie and wait for the actual show.
I saw it on Broadway and you guys are in for a treat. The boys were hawt, but by the time I saw it they were also a little long in the tooth for their roles (like brat packers who had extended their stay in a John Hughes movie).
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