- The flash-forward was in full effect right away, which was cool. Now that we have 3 different time lines going on, I think my brain will implode if we see all of them in one episode. Talk about a mindfuck!
- Hurley screamed that he was one of the "Oceanic 6!" We know that Jack and Kate are two of them - who are the other 3? I assume there's at least one more male (Kate's quote in the season 3 finale - "I have to go home, he'll wonder where I am."). Any bets?
- Hurley was also being asked a few times if "they were still alive." What is the secret about the island that the Oceanic 6 don't want people to know about? That more than 6 actually survived?
- Was Hurley just hallucinating, or was that somehow actually Charlie visiting him through some crazy time-space continuum thing?
- Now Hurley has also seen Jacob's shack. Whose eye was that? I think it was Locke's.
- Naomi's not dead! Oh wait, yes she is.
- So now we have two camps - those following Jack to an uncertain future with the "freighter folk" and those who are heeding the warnings of Locke and Charlie. Although I get that Rose feels a certain devotion to Jack, isn't it surprising she wants to leave the island that has healed her?
Here's my question of the week, as my brain is a little fried from all the twists and turns. Setting aside Ben, Alex, Alex's boyfriend and Juliet who are with the Losties, how many of the Others are left, and are any of them people we would remember? Where are they, and what are they doing? Oh - and is Mikhail still alive?
In other news, I did not like Eli Stone. Lame.
I loved this episode and all of the new possibilities it opened up. Lost is back, and the world feels right again.
As for the Others... there's still ageless Richard Alpert, Isabelle the sheriff, the 815ers-turned-Others Cindy and the kids, and a bunch of other people that stood around and may even be the same extras that stand around as the rest of the 815ers. I think there's a very good chance that we'll see Mikhail again...
Depending on how far in the future we are, there is a chance, if Kate is preggers, that the "He" she is referring to, could be a son? Terri mentioned that.
I agree with Scott and Terri ~ insomuchas, I don't think Kate's man (little or big) is one of "The Oceanic 6". J-Lo, I do believe that there are other survivors on the island who stay and Kate, Hurley and Jack leave. Incidentally, didn't Hurley kill Anna Lucia or did I dream that?
As we know from the last episode last season, leaving the island doesn't work out so well for the boys at least (I'm also assuming that Hurley's not the one that's in the casket in that one episode, right?!). But do they really leave the island or is it like that Desmond thing where part of them leaves and the other part stays in some weird time/space continuum?
My biggest question is: Clearly there is ANOTHER schism yet to come since BOTH Hurley AND Jack go back to the mainland (and when they're 'on the island' they each go with different 'camps'). Therefore, what happens that leads both of them to come back together and what happens that is so powerful that it makes Hurley want to return to society?
Yeah I'm into it!
No, you dreamed that. :) It was Michael who killed Ana Lucia. Speaking of which - y'all know he's coming back, right?
As for the Others... there's still ageless Richard Alpert, Isabelle the sheriff, the 815ers-turned-Others Cindy and the kids, and a bunch of other people that stood around and may even be the same extras that stand around as the rest of the 815ers. I think there's a very good chance that we'll see Mikhail again...
Wow, you did a lot better than me. The only one I remembered offhand was Mr. Maybe It's Maybelline, aka Richard.
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